Lisa Tormoen Hickey
​Lisa Tormoen Hickey consults with leading corporations and regulators to promote economic efficiencies for renewable energy and economic development throughout the western states. She enjoys mixing economic analysis with environmental preservation, especially in the areas of the expansion of renewable energy and transmission infrastructure. Lisa's background includes education at the Colorado College, majoring in Economics, followed by earning her JD at the University of Colorado in Boulder where she was able to learn and gain inspiration from the professors who formed the Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment.​
Lisa was raised in a large family in Chicago and a small town in Wisconsin, learning the joys of hard work, outdoor recreation, music, family and old friends. She came to Colorado to attend Colorado College and to study Economics, History and Political Science. Lisa has served as a leader for a number of nonprofit organizations promoting environmental conservation and cultural activities, including the Palmer Conservancy, the Trails and Open Space Coalition, the Colorado Springs Chorale and the Colorado Springs Cycling Club. She and her husband divide their free time bicycling, exploring wild areas and enjoying music of all types from their home base in Colorado Springs, Colorado.